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06-08-06 - 12:52 p.m.

Oh, what the hell, why not?

I was asked recently in my g.b. if I ever write here any longer and actually, I haven't for a very long time. Reason: I was being annoyed by former pseudo-"friends" and decided I didn't want to take the abuse any longer.

So. . .I stopped writing anything of significance here.

And now, I don't really care who reads this. Or who makes whatever ridiculous comments in my guestbook.

Yes, I'm that cool with everything today.

I mean, I just don't care.

So, I got divorced, big deal.

So, I'm living alone again, HAPPILY!

So, the ex-boyfriend who was quite a heart throb is back in the picture.

So, I've made many changes in the past few years, and I'm amazed that I am the person I am today.

So, wanna make a big deal out of it?

Go ahead.

I'm okay.

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